Referring MD
Dear Referring Physician,
We appreciate your interest in allowing us to be a part of your patient’s health care team. We are dedicated to ensuring that your patient(s) receive quick answers to their individual concerns. My office knows to assist your office in getting appointments quickly as possible – most of the time within 24 hours.
I have dedicated my career to Cancer and Diseases of the Breast since 2003. Having a personal family history that involves multiple individuals with both breast and ovarian cancer, I know the fear and anxiety involved in a palpable or imaging abnormality and will work diligently to address your patients concerns. I will personally call your patient with the results of their pathology reports and make sure they know the appropriate short and long-term follow-up that may be needed.
On the day of patient’s visit with us, they can expect to be seen very close to the time of their appointment – as we do our best to be prepared for their visit by researching and reviewing all data available to us prior to their arrival. I will examine their films, reports, and any other supporting documentation as soon as possible – so that I can discuss all of their issues in detail. A plan will always be given that should effectively address their concerns. Patients are told that if they have additional questions or concerns – that they can always reach me by phone or email. You will be notified of any additional procedures, recommendations, or follow-up that is needed by sending you a fax or electronic Referral Letter within 24 hours. If you don’t receive this – something is wrong with the information I have on file with your office – or there was a malfunction on our end. In this event, please contact my office at (225) 751-2778 (BRST) and we will be happy to resend your patient’s information. It is my intent that you stay continually updated on your patient’s concerns. I will personally fax all pathology reports to you at the time that I speak with the patient about them. If you should ever need me – my office has been instructed to connect you to or give you my cell phone number (which ever you prefer).
Should a breast cancer be found – your patient would be given the opportunity to see me for an extended consult within 24 hours – if at all possible. I will act on their behalf to ensure that they receive Multi-Disciplinary Care for their cancer and will make the appropriate referrals for treatment recommendation. These referrals will be made at the time of diagnosis and will continue throughout their treatment and survivorship. Many times, a patient will be discussed at our Weekly Breast Cancer Conferences and I will ask the Tumor Registry to make sure you are aware that they are being discussed. I invite you to attend these Conferences if you are able as your input and participation will enhance your patient’s overall experience. In addition, I believe in the goals of the Cancer Navigator Program at Woman’s Hospital and will make sure that your patient has the opportunity to utilize this individual to address any obstacles that may be encountered.
My office and I will strive to meet your expectations in addressing your patient’s issues. We will do our best to offer your patient(s) the best breast health care available and will always be honest and open to their concerns. Should you or your patient have any experience that does not meet your expectations or should you need more information concerning any patient’s breast issue – please contact me via email at or by phone. You should always be able to get a quick response to your issues. We certainly want you to be pleased with the care that we offer your patients and the means by which we offer it.